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    Product Name:MacaTea (formaly known as MacaMix)
    Product Code:MT
    Price:RM 130.00
    RM 160.00

    Product description:

    MacaTea (formaly known as Maca Mix) is a 100% natural and safe nutrition supplement with no side effect to correct problems of sexual performance and many other health problems. MacaTea is proven effective for both men and women and categorized by top researches to be true adaptogen, working with the bodies natural rhythms to help rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralized poorly nourished bodies and increase energy and endurance.


    Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon (Maca)

    MACA is highly praised by the Discovery Health Chanel as a "Peru’s Natural Viagra” which is effective & safe to be consumed as a nourishing aphrodisiac food. MACA is grown at high elevations in the Andes region of central Peru. It has been used for centuries by indigenous Peruvians as a food source. It contains Protein, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Vitamins (such as: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C etc.), Minerals (such as: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper etc.), and 19 essential amino acids.

    MACA’s Assurance

    • Highly praised by Health Discovery Channel
    • NASA: Astronauts Choices of Nutritional Supplement
    • Report from U.S Biomedical Journals: long-term consumption can helps to regulate body’s functions
    • Food and Agriculture Organization. (FAO): including MACA in the list as a means of combating nutritional problems.
    • Aguila Calderon, M.D., the former dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in Lima uses MACA for male impotence, erectile dysfunction, menopausal symptoms and general fatigue, and claims good results
    • Arizona physician Gary F. Gordon, M.D., former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, is also a maca supporter. He calls it "nature's Viagra"
    Active Ingredients in Maca


    Prevent infertility in both male and female because amino acids are the constituents of reproductive cells


    Cleanse digestive tract. Improve nutrients absorption


    Prevent lack of sexual desire and other sexual dysfunction due to hormone deficiency. Fatty acids are needed for hormone synthesis



    Required in energy production and bone formation

    Maca Sterols

    Increase female fertility and correct menopause problems

    Tribulus Terresteris

    Tribulus Terrestris, a miracle herb has been widely used in ancient India, Greece and China as a physical rejuvenation tonic.

    In Eastern Europe Tribulus Terrestris has been used in strengthen muscle and increase sexual potency.

    In 1980s, Bulgarian government sponsored studies at the Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, in formula for improving physical and sexual performance. This research has made the success of the Bulgarian weight lifting team in Olympic.

    Main Functions
    1. Improve sexual performance
    2. Increase testosterone (male hormone) in men
    3. Reduce premenstrual syndrome and menopause syndrome
    4. Prevent prostate enlargement and prostate cancer
    5. Improve body immune system
    6. Prevent herpes & virus infection such as influenza and common cold
    7. Prevent cancer and reduce body fat
    8. Improve vitality, enhance immunity
    9. Alleviates blood sugar level, prevent blood clotting
    10. Enhance heart function

    MacaTea Benefits to Both Men & Women

    Rejuvenates Endocrine System, Balance Hormone

    Strengthen Immune System & Alleviate Ill‐health Syndromes

    Improve Libido & Sexual Performance For Men & Women

    Activate Brain Cells & Improve Memory

    Reduce Premenstrual Syndrome & Menopause Syndrome

    Improve Vitality

    Alleviates Blood Sugar Level & Prevent Blood Clotting

    Enhance Heart Function

    Usage Direction:

    Pour a sachet of Macatea and mix with a glass of cold water (100-200ml). Stir evenly and consume. Keep out of reach of children & store in a cool and dry place.

    MT -MacaTea (formaly known as MacaMix)
    Price: RM 130.00
    RM 160.00
    Weight: 0.4kg
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